#Shred4Nate was started in 2019 in memory of Nathan M. Carreira, from Ludlow, Massachusetts (March 12, 2003 - March 26, 2018), and an endowment was established in his name to support his Vermont community. This year, the race will begin at dusk when the mountain is closed to the public and officiated and sponsored by the Stratton Mountain School.

The Stratton Community Foundation cares about the health and well-being of youth across the region. Now, more than ever, Vermont children need our help. Isolation, fear, uncertainty and depression are all impacting their overall health and ability to thrive. The Nathan M. Carreira Endowment supports innovative peer-mentoring programs, mental-health trainings, youth assistance, early substance abuse intervention, and more!

Through #Shred4Nate, the Stratton Foundation strives to reduce the stigma and lack of understanding surrounding mental health, spread compassion and encourage those struggling to seek help. Join us as we honor Nathan and bring hope and healing to children and families across our communities. Visit Strattonfoundation.org

Proceeds benefit The Stratton Community Foundation, caring about the health and well-being of youth across the region. The mission is to address the challenges that stand between a child in need and the opportunity to learn and succeed through innovative programs that support hunger, basic necessities, health, and education. Every child deserves a strong foundation.

Contact: katie@strattonfoundation.org or 802-297-2096
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